CS7000 Codeplug converter

The Connect Systems CS7000 M17 Plus is a radio that supports DMR and M17. The CS7000 M17 PLUS CPS allows you to import digital contacts, channels, and zones from Excel spreadsheets. I wrote an application to convert a codeplug from the Anytone 878UVII Plus radio into the spreadsheets that can be imported into the CS7000 CPS. The application is available as a stand-alone executable and is compatible with 64-bit Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems. Windows 7 is not supported.

Where to find the CS7000 Codeplug Converter application

You can download the software at the following URL

CS7000 Convert GUI v1.2.zip (SHA256 Checksum: 34583bea3499de0a08de157073f274f0ecf167524f03d90d5387afd5f937dafb)

Verify the integrity of the executable

Verify the checksum of the ZIP file. I have also used my PGP private key to digitally sign the executable. You can use my PGP public key to as an extra check. Directions on that are as follows.

After unzipping the file, you will find the executable along with a digital signature (.sig) file. Use GNU Privacy Guard (GNUPG) and the signature file to verify the integrity of the executable. I digitally signed the executable in the ZIP file with my PGP key. You can find my public key at https://keyserver.ubuntu.com. Query on my email address, k3jsj@arrl.net, to find the key. Download the key and import into GNUPG. Use the GNUPG software to verify the signature.

Where to get the source code

Source code for the application is available on the following GitHub repository CS7000_convert_gui.

How to use the software

See the user guide in the ZIP file for directions on using the program. I also recorded a video that demonstrates how to use the program. You can find the video, “Anytone to CS7000 codeplug converter”, on my YouTube channel. Please be sure to like and subscribe.

Future plans

I am working on another release that will limit the number of zones and channels based upon capabilities of the CS7000 M17 Plus. I would recommend restricting the number of zones to 250 and channels to one thousand at the present time. You will need to manually delete entries in the Anytone CSV files to conform to those limits.

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